Seminar Humanoid Robots

In this seminar, we cover state-of-the-art research papers from conferences and journals in the field of humanoid robotics and related fields. The available topics are presented in the mandatory Introductory Meeting and can be selected during the registration for the seminar on our website. In the Introductory Meeting, we will present the available topics, the registration process, the requirements, and answer your questions.

Participants of the seminar have to prepare a talk of 20 minutes which will be given on the Seminar Day at the end of the semester. After the talk, there will be a Q&A of about 5 minutes where you will be asked questions by the staff and other participants of the seminar. Bachelor students can choose to present their topic in German, master students must give their presentation in English.

The Seminar Day is a whole day event, typically from 8:30am to 3:30pm, which takes place towards the end of the semester. All participants are required to be present on the Seminar Day, to give their presentation, and also to listen to the talks of the other participants. Active participation during the Q&A sessions counts as a bonus towards your final score.

Participating students are also required to write a summary and discussion of their assigned topic. The summary and discussion should be written in LaTeX using template listed below under files. The document should be 7 pages long not including images and references!

Each participant will be paired up with a supervisor who monitors their progress and is available to help with questions or difficulties. Students can work freely during the semester to prepare their material. The written summary and the presentation slides must be submitted by the morning of the Seminar Day.





Course Number:

MA-INF 4213

Responsible HRL Lecturers:

Important dates:

11.10.2023, 14:00-15:00h (room 2.025)

Introductory Meeting (mandatory) [presentation slides]

15.10.2023, SundayRegistration deadline on our website
22.10.2023, SundayRegistration deadline in BASIS
30.01.2024, Tuesday, 09:00-13:30h (room 2.025)Seminar Day and deadline for the written summary


The registration is closed!


Latex template


  1. Combining Navigation and Manipulation Costs for Time-Efficient Robot Placement in Mobile Manipulation Tasks
    Reister, Grotz, and Asfour
    IROS 2022
    Supervisor: Maren Bennewitz
  2. Grasp for Stacking via Deep Reinforcement Learning
    Zhang et al.
    ICRA 2020
    Supervisor: Benedikt Kreis
  3. IndustReal: Transferring Contact-Rich Assembly Tasks from Simulation to Reality
    Tang et al.
    RSS 2023
    Supervisor: Benedikt Kreis
  4. APPLD: Adaptive Planner Parameter Learning from Demonstration
    Xiao et al.
    RA-L 2020
    Supervisor: Jorge de Heuvel
  5. Transformer Memory for Interactive Visual Navigation in Cluttered Environments
    Li et al.
    RA-L 2023
    Supervisor: Jorge de Heuvel
  6. Nonprehensile Planar Manipulation through Reinforcement Learning with Multimodal Categorical Exploration
    Del Aguila Ferrandis et al.
    IROS 2023
    Supervisor: Nils Dengler
  7. Multi-View Picking: Next-best-view Reaching for Improved Grasping in Clutter
    Morrison et al.
    ICRA 2019
    Supervisor: Rohit Menon
  8. An Architecture for Reactive Mobile Manipulation On-The-Move
    Burgess-Limerick et al.
    ICRA 2023
    Supervisor: Rohit Menon
  9. Real time footstep planning and control of the Solo quadruped robot in 3D environments
    Risbourg et al.
    IROS 2022
    Supervisor: Shahram Khorshidi
  10. Adaptive Robust Kernels for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems
    Chebrolu et al.
    RA-L 2021
    Supervisor: Shahram Khorshidi
  11. PC-NBV: A Point Cloud Based Deep Network for Efficient Next Best View Planning
    Zeng et al.
    IROS 2020
    Supervisor: Sicong Pan
  12. Push Past Green: Learning to Look Behind Plant Foliage by Moving It
    Zhang and Gupta
    CoRL 2023
    Supervisor: Sicong Pan
  13. Closed-Loop Next-Best-View Planning for Target-Driven Grasping
    Breyer et al.
    IROS 2022
    Supervisor: Tobias Zaenker