Prof. Dr.

Maren Bennewitz

Group Leader

Maren Bennewitz

Research Interest:

  • Robot Navigation
  • Active Perception
  • Intelligent Manipulaion
  • Personalized Human Robot-Interaction


Room 2.022
+49 (0) 228 73-54164

About me:

Since October 2014, I am professor (W3 equivalent) for humanoid robots and vice rector for digitalization at the University of Bonn. I am additionally with the Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence and have been PI in several national and European projects. I am a member of the executive board and steering committee of the Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production and founding member as well as steering committee member of the Center for Robotics, University of Bonn.

In the course of my research career, I have contributed several innovative solutions for robotic systems co-existing and interacting with humans. Among them are navigation, manipulation, and active perception techniques for legged and wheeled robots as well as methods for detecting humans, analyzing their motions and preferences, and generating foresighted, personalized robot behavior. See the research and publication pages of my group for further details.

